Perfect Caramel Recipe- Dry, Wet, Salted and Glucose Infused Caramel Recipe

By Apurvi Bansal

This is the perfect Caramel you will ever make with all the tips and tricks shared so that you can make the best Caramel Out There!!

In this Video I am going to share with you the recipe as well as tips on how to make wet caramel, Dry Caramel, Salted Caramel, and Glucose- Infused Caramel so get ready to dive into the world of Caramel and satisfy your sweet- tooth.


Wet Caramel:

100gm Sugar

30ml Water

76gm Cream

1/2tsp Vanilla Extract

25gm Butter



  • In a heavy saucepan take Sugar, add Water and put it on low flame and let the sugar melt, swirl the pan to get even melting,
  • In the meanwhile In a bowl take Cream and heat it in a microwave or on a gas stove, do not boil it just bring to a simmer add vanilla in it mix and keep aside,
  • Our sugar have started turning golden in colour you can now use silicon spatula or wooden spoon,
  • Once it turned nice golden brown  add your warm vanilla cream in parts and mix to incorporate be careful as your caramel will bubble and rise up,
  • Cook you caramel further for 2 minutes and keep aside swirl it to cool lightly after a minute or so add Butter mix it with your spatula, it will melt from the caramel heat.
  • Pour it in an air tight container and store in the refrigerator once cooled to room temperature for upto 4-6 weeks.
  • Our Wet Caramel is ready.

Dry Caramel:

100gm Sugar

76gm Cream

1/2tsp Vanilla Extract

25gm Butter


For Dry Caramel In a saucepan add Sugar and let it melt like we did for the wet caramel, you can use silicon spatula or wooden spoon to push the sugar on edges to middle to get even melting or just swirl the pan to avoid crystallisation,

Likewise warm the cream add it in caramel, mix Butter, pour it in air tight container and store in refrigerator once cooled to room temperature.

Salted Caramel:

100gm Sugar

76gm Cream

1/2tsp Vanilla Extract

1/2tsp Salt

25gm Butter


For the Salted Caramel melt sugar in a saucepan in low flame then proceed by adding warm Cream Vanilla  also add of salt during this time then cook on a low flame for two more minutes and finish it off with adding butter and emulsifying, store this in an air tight container once cooled to room temperature store in refrigerator.

Glucose- Infused Caramel:

84gm Sugar

16gm Glucose

76gm Cream

1/2tsp Vanilla Extract

25gm Butter


In a pan take Sugar add Glucose melt it over low heat once the sugar starts melting gently push the sugar on sides to the centre to get even melting and avoid burning of sugar,

Once, reaches golden brown in colour add warm cream with vanilla mix it in cook the caramel further for two minutes on low heat then mix Butter and store this also in an air tight container once cooled down to room temperature.

Store in an Air tight Container in Refrigerator once, it cools down to Room Temperature.

Before using if you want a more flowable consistency simply, microwave your Caramel for 10-15 seconds.
